What is Gizmo? Gizmo is similar to Skype but it has more feture like Call Recording and Voice mail. Now Gizmo offers you to call all your Gizmo friends for free (free phone call) on their landine and mobile phones for some countries link China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Tailang and United State. Unfortunately, Myanmar doesn't include in this free phone call to mobile list. However, You can (chat)send instant messaging to other people who are using Google Talk (GTalk). I think that is good news for Myanmar People because sometime they can't use Google Talk. You only need to do easy 3 steps to chat with google user. This software can also contact to Nokia 770 Internet Tablet. My opinion is that it is very useful and amazing for me.
Go to and download: Download Gizmo
Go to and Read: For Nokia770 Internet Tablet
Go to and Read: For chatting with Google user
Read More about Gizmo- Free phone call to 60 countries
Tags: MgAlbert, Gizmo, freephonecall,internet,googletalk,